Synchrono is enabling the demand-driven, real-time factory of the future


About Synchrono

The year 2000 heralded both the new millennium and the incorporation of Synchrono® manufacturing software. Founded by manufacturers for manufacturers, the company was established to fill a void in the manufacturing software market by introducing systems to support the emerging pull-based or demand-driven method of manufacturing.

Demand-Driven Manufacturing is known as a method where production is based on actual customer demand (or order). As such, it adapts to variations in demand and drives out cost and waste associated with excess inventory and long lead times, while increasing capacity and on-time delivery rates. Synchrono® takes this further, defining Demand-Driven Manufacturing as a method that incorporates the best of Lean Manufacturing, Theory of Constraints (TOC) and Six Sigma principles to provide a synchronized, closed loop between customer orders, production scheduling and manufacturing execution – all while synchronizing the flow of materials and resources across the supply chain.


Introducing Unique, Proprietary Technology

The company’s flagship offering, SyncManufacturing® software, (initially Adaptive Manufacturing) was the first system on the market that synchronized planning and scheduling with production; increasing workflow and enabling a closed loop process. Also referred to as a pull-based or respond planning system, SyncManufacturing® software includes a patented methodology, CONLOAD™, to further distinguish the product in the market. CONLOAD™ (for consistent load) helps manufacturers effectively manage their system constraints to reduce congestion and drive flow throughout the production environment. It does this by releasing work onto the factory floor based on the capacity of the system constraint(s). SyncManufacturing™ has produced dramatic results for a diverse set of clients by leveraging CONLOAD™ and other key capabilities within the software. Gartner research recognized Synchrono® as a Cool Vendor based on the unique value offered by SyncManufacturing® software.


Delivering the Factory of the Future

Following the release of SyncManufacturing®, Synchrono® introduced a series of value-added solutions for Demand-Driven Manufacturers. In 2014, the company introduced the Synchrono® Demand-Driven Manufacturing Platform. The components of the Platform may be implemented independently to provide outstanding results. And when installed collectively, these systems connect the entire manufacturing operation and extended supply chain in real-time, generating intelligence for instant decision-making and providing an unprecedented foundation for communication, collaboration and continuous improvement.


Achieving Industry Recognition

In 2015, Synchrono® received the Technology Partner Award from the Frost & Sullivan Manufacturing Leadership Council based on the operational excellence achieved through the Synchrono® Demand-Driven Manufacturing Platform. The software systems that make up the Platform include:

SyncManufacturing® – Demand-driven planning, scheduling and execution software.

SyncKanban® – Demand-driven inventory replenishment software for supply chain execution and collaboration.

SyncView®Real-time, synchronized, visual factory information system.

SyncAlert® – Real-time alert notification and escalation software.

Manufacturing and technology are merging like never before. Concepts like the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), the Factory of the Future and Industry 4.0 are not only becoming reality, but a necessity for manufacturers to compete in today’s demand-driven market. According to Gartner, 90% of manufacturers who are not demand-driven, want to be.

Back in 2000, Synchrono® technology may have been a little ahead of its time. That’s good news for manufacturers looking for demand-driven technology today. They can find a proven, mature demand-driven technology solutions provider in Synchrono®.