Using TOC, Lean and Six Sigma to Become More Demand-Driven

What Tools to Use to Get the Most of Your Demand-Driven Changes Last time, we looked at specific companies that I have worked with and how they became more demand-driven using the Theory of Constraints (TOC) as a first step. As you saw from these real-life examples, TOC works well as a pointer to see where you need to change – and what should be the first items on the

Demand-Driven Matters

Welcome to the Demand-Driven Matters blog. During our conversation in this space, I hope to bring you additional insights on demand-driven manufacturing and/or help in your quest to become a demand-driven, factory of the future. I call this blog a conversation for a reason—your input will enrich what we are trying to do here, which is provide ideas about how you can become more demand-driven, each and every day. When

Never Stop Learning

Necessary demand-driven components: How TOC delivers powerful results I grew up in a home where my family held daily quizzes around the dinner table about what we learned during the day at work or school. These topics ranged from Astronomy to current events – yet what this experience instilled in me was not so much knowledge in specific disciplines, but the idea that I could learn something new each day.