FAQ: Is Demand-Driven Manufacturing the Same Thing as Lean?

Many of our customers don’t start out looking to implement Demand-Driven Manufacturing per se. Often, they’re focused on Lean Manufacturing or at least some element of it. In fact, customers often find out about us as they search for an eKanban or production scheduling solution that will work with their current ERP system. However, at some point in the conversation, they will inevitably ask, “Is Demand-Driven Manufacturing the same thing

Guest Blog: Real-world Advice for Getting Started on eKanban

by Jim Shore Through this guest blog series, I’d like to share some of my experiences implementing supplier quality and Lean manufacturing initiatives by focusing on eKanban systems. This first entry offers advice for planning an eKanban rollout – suggestions that can also be applied across any Lean manufacturing project. As a result, my hope is that you, too, will experience successful Lean results. Leadership matters My training as a

3 Ways to Put Big Data to Work in Your Factory

Is enthusiasm for Big Data wavering? In 2015, McKinsey Global Institute claimed that the IIoT had the potential to create as much as $3.7 trillion in economic value in the global manufacturing sector by 2025. They also predicted that 80 to 100% of manufacturers will have implemented IIoT applications by then and already be reaping the benefits of data-driven insights into their operations. When Gartner surveyed manufacturers in 2016, nearly

The Magic Bullet for Real-Time Supply Chain Collaboration? Cloud Visibility.

Jessica Twentyman reported in the Financial Times, that for many manufacturers, supply chain collaboration is stuck in the dark ages. When it comes to ordering materials and components, managing inventory levels, or organizing the delivery of finished goods to customers, companies are forced continually to chase business partners – mostly suppliers, logistics companies, and retailers – via a messy stream of emails, phone calls, and even faxes. Worse still, much

Why Demand-Driven Manufacturing is Focused on Metrics for Action

Driving Continuous Improvement. In Demand-Driven Manufacturing, there is only one measurement that is important to drive performance:  Throughput. There are two subordinate measurements: Inventory and Operating Expense.  These three measurements cover the gambit of what needs to be measured because they are directly related to customer orders, cash captured inside the organization, and the cash it takes to turn inventory into sales. Demand-driven managers know that having too many metrics