FAQ: What is the Difference Between Pull Manufacturing and Demand-Driven Manufacturing?

        I often talk about pull manufacturing and Demand-Driven Manufacturing as though they are one and the same. That’s because, in my mind, they are. However, after reading through a couple of online articles this afternoon, it’s clear not everyone sees it that way. In fact, some of the various ways pull manufacturing is described on the Internet can be a bit confusing. In pull manufacturing, replenishment

Weathering the Next Recession

The global economic recession that started in 2007/2008 hit the manufacturing sector hard. In February of 2009, The Economist even published a piece called The Collapse of Manufacturing. If you recall, this was right about the time the automotive manufacturer bailouts kicked in because they, like the larger financial institutions, were deemed too important to the US economy to fail. It felt like we were on the verge of an

3 Prerequisites to a Modern Demand-Driven Supply Chain

In 2010, Gartner estimated that manufacturers outsourced about 70% of the products they make to other manufacturers. I haven’t seen a recent statistic, but that still feels about right. So, it only makes sense that, for most manufacturers, implementing modern demand-driven or pull-manufacturing techniques will require collaboration with many partners across the entire supply chain. Before you can collaborate with your supply chain partners, you need to get your own

A New Way of Looking at Manufacturing Metrics

Most experts agree. The metrics you use to manage your manufacturing operations need to matter, and they need to be actionable. We concur. For a detailed review of the operational metrics we recommend in a demand-driven manufacturing environment, refer to our Metrics for Action Guide. Conventional wisdom also says to keep the number of metrics you measure to a minimum. This advice is based on well-established research that shows that

FAQ: Is Demand-Driven Manufacturing the Same Thing as Lean?

Many of our customers don’t start out looking to implement Demand-Driven Manufacturing per se. Often, they’re focused on Lean Manufacturing or at least some element of it. In fact, customers often find out about us as they search for an eKanban or production scheduling solution that will work with their current ERP system. However, at some point in the conversation, they will inevitably ask, “Is Demand-Driven Manufacturing the same thing

Guest Blog: Real-world Advice for Getting Started on eKanban

by Jim Shore Through this guest blog series, I’d like to share some of my experiences implementing supplier quality and Lean manufacturing initiatives by focusing on eKanban systems. This first entry offers advice for planning an eKanban rollout – suggestions that can also be applied across any Lean manufacturing project. As a result, my hope is that you, too, will experience successful Lean results. Leadership matters My training as a