
  • IT/OT Convergence in the Factory of the Future

    IT/OT Convergence in the Factory of the Future

    Since the advent of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), experts and enthusiasts have been talking about the coming together of IT (information technology) and OT (operational technologies). Some call it an integration, while others call it a convergence. I call it a good thing. In this post, I’ll talk a bit about the convergence/integration…

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  • Kaizen vs. Kaikaku

    Kaizen vs. Kaikaku

    Kaizen vs. Kaikaku: 2 Approaches to Lean Manufacturing That Can Transform Your Factory   The Lean Manufacturing world is littered with new terminology, and given the discipline’s origins, it’s not surprising that some of these words and phrases are Japanese. Being “fluent” with these words to the point that you can bring them up in…

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  • Why Data-Driven Manufacturing is Not Enough

    Why Data-Driven Manufacturing is Not Enough

    Occasionally, someone will mix up DDM (Demand-Driven Manufacturing) with another DDM acronym in our industry: Data-Driven Manufacturing. There are similarities. For example, executing demand-driven principles relies heavily on data and shop floor visibility. However, it doesn’t stop there. In this post, we’ll take a look at Data-Driven Manufacturing and why it’s useful but not enough…

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  • ERP is an Oxymoron

    ERP is an Oxymoron

    Have you ever had one of those moments when a thought hits you that is so obvious that you wonder why it never occurred to you before? I just decided that there couldn’t be a technology less aptly named than Enterprise Resource Planning, more commonly known as ERP. Before I go into why, let me…

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  • Going Lean: Should You Replace Your ERP System?

    Going Lean: Should You Replace Your ERP System?

    By Trey Jordan, Senior Software Consultant Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) has been around for decades. You’d think, by now, the industry would have it figured out. Yet, every year, we hear news about ERP implementations that fail. For every one of these high-profile flops, there are many, many more implementations that simply fail to live…

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  • The Pros and Cons of Consolidating Manufacturing ERP Systems

    The Pros and Cons of Consolidating Manufacturing ERP Systems

    Managing operations through multiple manufacturing systems can be challenging, but it’s a daily reality for many manufacturers. In this post, we’ll look at the pros and cons of consolidating ERP systems – and propose an alternative.   When Two Worlds Collide Whenever two or more organizations merge, they are almost always using different ERP systems.…

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manufacturing software

White Paper - The Next Generation of Planning and Scheduling Solutions

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manufacturing software


manufacturing software

White Paper | Gaining Clarity

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manufacturing software

White Paper | Gaining Confidence

manufacturing software

White Paper | Gaining Confidence

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