Recent News:

The software systems that make up the Synchrono Demand-Driven Manufacturing Platform connect the entire manufacturing operation and extended supply chain in real-time, generating intelligence for instant decision-making and providing an unprecedented foundation for communication, collaboration and continuous improvement. The industry is taking note. Here are some recent Synchrono news stories:

Plant Engineering

Getting Lean on Scrap

eKanban focuses manufacturers on reducing inventory, lowering cycle times, and helps best practice operations reduce scrap as part of continuous improvement efforts…MORE

eliminate production bottlenecks; manage manufacturing constraints

Synchrono® Reviews Strategies for Managing Manufacturing Bottlenecks and Constraints

New paper outlines variations from the Theory of Constraint’s Drum-Buffer-Rope method and how it has evolved through synchronization technology…MORE

Continuous Improvement

Synchrono® Helps Manufacturers Drive Continuous Improvements with eKanban Software

The new paper, 4 Ways SyncKanban eKanban Software Supports Continuous Improvement, outlines how unique capabilities and system-generated data from SyncKanban software is being used on an ongoing basis to reduce system waste and promote the continuous improvement process. The 4 strategies outlined in the paper are…MORE

Lean Manufacturing inventory

Synchrono® Presents Get Lean on Inventory at IndustryWeek Expo

Lean practitioners offer real-world examples of how modern eKanban technologies are addressing costly challenges – and waste – associated with inventory…MORE

manufacturing and technology conference

Synchrono® Sponsors Manufacturing Technology Strategies Track at IndustryWeek

Demand-driven manufacturing software leader supports sessions highlighting the latest technology tools and strategies…MORE

8 forms of waste

The 8 Forms of Waste in Lean Manufacturing

Synchrono® paper examines each type of waste and how it may be addressed through the hidden benefits of modern eKanban software…MORE

Get Lean on Scrap

Manufacturers Get Lean on Scrap with eKanban Software

The method of Lean Manufacturing is based on the relentless elimination of waste in manufacturing and ongoing continuous process improvement. For many, material scrap is an expensive form of waste; costing more than the material itself. Consider that hiding behind every dollar of scrapped inventory are several more dollars lost in storage, productivity, customer satisfaction and potential revenue…MORE

manufacturing automation

Automating Real-Time Demand-Driven Supply Chains

Sadly, the number of large, multinational manufacturers who are still using spreadsheets and manual processes to manage their largest cost centre, production operations, remains common. These manufacturers have reverted to spreadsheets for two reasons…MORE

Synchrono pros to know

Synchrono® Director Kirk Studdiford Receives Distinction from Supply & Demand Chain Executive

Studdiford recognized as a 2018 Pro to Know for vast knowledge of Lean and Demand-Driven Manufacturing strategies that help manufacturers impact production performance and throughput…MORE

Tooling and Production Magazine

2018 Top Ten Trends for Demand Driven Manufacturing

In preparing for a better future, many manufacturers are synchronizing resources with modern demand-driven technology to help reach their most important KPIs, such as reducing lead times and lowering inventory levels. To help you consider your options, Synchrono has released its 2018 list of Top Ten Trends for Modern Demand-Driven Technology…MORE

Synchrono® Addresses the Demand-Driven Supply Chain in New White Paper

Provides guidance for supply chain evaluation and suggests layering technologies to advance synchronization and visibility…MORE

Manufacturing technology trends

Synchrono® Releases 2018 Top Ten Trends in Modern Demand-Driven Manufacturing

Trends revolve around the maturity and execution of digitization, synchronization and visibility strategies…MORE

The Changing Role of ERP in Manufacturing

The Changing Role of ERP in Modern Demand-Driven Manufacturing

Synchrono® finds more manufacturers are looking for agile, demand-based manufacturing software to work with their ERP system…MORE

ISE Magazine

Synchronizing Your Way to Demand-Driven Manufacturing

Manufacturing and distribution are more complex than ever, and this complexity will continue to evolve and spawn more challenges for the industry…MORE

Going eKanban: Moving from a manual to an eKanban system

Many manufacturers are using Kanban systems today and realizing the benefits of right-sizing their inventory. At some point, however, those using physical, or manual Kanban systems reach a point where the process loses its Lean value. Going eKanban helps manufacturers determine when to move to an eKanban system and provides best practice advice for introducing the technology into the production environment…MORE

Manual and eKanban

Lean Manufacturing Experts Offer Advice on Moving to eKanban Technology

Synchrono® provides guidance on when and how manufacturers should migrate from a manual to an eKanban inventory replenishment process…MORE

Supply & Demand Chain Executive Award

Synchrono® and Client Orbital ATK Named to Supply & Demand Chain Executive’s SDCE 100 Top Supply Chain Projects for 2017

Orbital ATK, a long-time client of Synchrono, initiated a new Lean manufacturing project within the company’s Aerospace Structures Division (ASD) with the goal of right-sizing inventory levels within the factory and reducing costs associated with material waste. SyncKanban, an automated inventory replenishment and supply chain collaboration software system…MORE

synchronized planning, scheduling and execution

Synchrono® Systems Included in Gartner Hype Cycle for Supply Chain Planning

Gartner to present supply chain planning technology report at the upcoming Supply Chain Executive Conference May 23-25…MORE

Demand-driven manufacturing and smart manufacturing

Synchrono® Presents Modern Demand-Driven Manufacturing: Myths, Strategies and Realities for Enabling Smart Manufacturing at IndustryWeek Expo

Session to address how modern approaches to demand-driven manufacturing are enabling the Internet of Things, Smart Manufacturing and end-to-end supply chain visibility…MORE

Synchrono sponsors manufacturing technology strategies

Synchrono® Sponsors 2017 IndustryWeek Manufacturing & Technology Conference & Expo for Third Consecutive Year

Software leader repeats sponsorship of the event’s Manufacturing Technology Strategies track based on previous years’ crowds…MORE

visual factory information system

End-to-End Supply Chain Visibility Technology is Transforming Demand-Driven Manufacturing Enterprises

New Synchrono® white paper reviews how manufacturers are investing and applying Cloud technologies for real-time communication and collaboration…MORE

Demand-driven factory of the future by Synchrono

Synchronizing Production Processes

Using demand-driven principles and synchronised systems, manufacturers have learnt to reach new levels of communication, growth and customer responsiveness. Every forward-thinking manufacturing environment is somewhere on the path towards becoming more synchronised and demand-driven. The feature discusses how technology will connect enterprises and create demand-driven factory of the future…MORE

Supply Chain Pro to Know

Synchrono® Vice President John Maher Receives Distinction from Supply & Demand Chain Executive

Maher recognized as a 2017 Pro to Know for innovating technology that digitizes, synchronizes, and visualizes manufacturing operations and the extended supply chain…MORE

Demand Driven Manufacturing podcast logo

Synchrono® Demand-Driven Matters Podcast Series Aims at Helping Manufacturers Improve Production Flow

5 Key Elements that Drive Flow is a 5-part series providing practical advice and real world examples of improvements made in Demand-Driven Manufacturing environments… MORE

Moldmaking Technology blog post

Real-Time and Supply Chain Visibility

With data continuing to be top of mind for today’s mold manufacturers, I wanted to share this take on data management…MORE

manufacturing automation

Top 10 Trends in 2017 Demand-Driven Manufacturing: Synchrono

Synchrono, a provider of demand-driven manufacturing software, has released its list of 2017 top ten trends in modern demand-driven manufacturing. The list is based on…MORE

Top Ten Trends in Modern Demand Driven Manufacturing

Synchrono® Releases 2017 Top Ten Trends in Modern Demand-Driven Manufacturing

Synchrono®, a leader in modern demand-driven manufacturing software, today released its 2017 Top Ten Trends in Modern Demand-Driven Manufacturing. The list is based on interactions with hundreds of manufacturers and industry experts addressing challenges, innovation and technologies associated with manufacturing digitization, visibility and synchronization… MORE

eKanban case study

Moving From Manual to eKanban Creates Right-Sized Inventory

Manufacturers’ waste-reduction initiatives are rarely as effective as they could be. When reducing waste, inventory is often the main target. But how do you right-size inventory in an environment of constant variability? In a word: kanban...MORE

Factory automation with Synchrono software

Discrete Manufacturers: Special Considerations for Robotics and Demand-Driven Supply Chain Solutions

The manufacturing sector is well-served when considering whether a replenishment solution can enhance flow and enable continuous improvements; often best practice robotic solutions follow…MORE

Robotics and Automation News

Automation Fails without Aligning Materials Support Function with Demand

Robot-to-person solutions are on a rapid trajectory for 2017 and beyond. Yet discrete manufacturing organizations which initiate material replenishment automation programs without properly analyzing processes and priorities for internal and external stakeholders, find far less value than anticipated…MORE

news - synchrono

Real World Results When Demand-Driven Production Planning and Scheduling are Synchronized

Wenger Manufacturing, based in Sabetha, KS, now uses a synchronized, demand-driven production planning, scheduling and execution platform that connects to their ERP system and the real world results are remarkable. Increased on-time delivery went from 40% to 95% or greater…MORE

Internet of Things in manufacturing

Manufacturing Moves From Tech Silos to Synchronized Factories to Demand-Driven Factory of the Future

The Internet of Things refers to connectivity between products and systems across nearly every aspect of life. This concept within the manufacturing industry, Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) represents the ability to collect, analyse, and share data about materials, machines, and processes in the production environment, in real-time…MORE

Synchrono in automation media

Demand-Driven Manufacturing Metrics for Action

Manufacturers are trying to drive business based on far too many metrics; metrics that often conflict and put employees in a state of oscillation between contradicting goals…MORE

Synchrono news

Getting on Board with Smart Manufacturing

“…Other manufacturers showcased their IIoT successes including Orbital ATK’s Aerospace Structures Division (Dulles, VA). Paul Hardy, IT manager, Orbital ATK, presented a case study showing how the manufacturer has employed the visual factory software from Synchrono Inc. (St. Paul, MN) to dramatically increase its production rates and lower downtimes for Orbital ATK. The Synchrono SyncView visual factory software gives users real-time views into actionable factory-floor metrics that can greatly impact factory performance…” FULL STORY

Refrigerated & Frozen Foods talks about Synchrono

Demand-Driven Planning, Scheduling and Execution Software

…Also referred to as a pull-based, or respond planning system, SyncManufacturing software is said to be the first of its kind to synchronize planning and scheduling with execution in real-time, aligning all production activities from order inception to customer delivery. In this way, SyncManufacturing works to optimize workflow through the entire production process, rather than individual resources…MORE

Manufacturing operations metrics that drive action white paper

Synchrono® Offers Guide to Help Demand-Driven Manufacturers Focus on Metrics that Drive Action

Company provides insight on select metrics that drive actionable improvements through new white paper and Metrics for Action Guide…MORE

Synchrono client Orbital ATK

Aerospace Leader Orbital ATK and Synchrono® to Lead Session on the Industrial Internet of Things and Visual Factory Technology at IndustryWeek Expo

Case study presentation set for May 4 focuses on the value of real-time data access in a digitally connected environment…MORE

Synchrono® to Sponsor Manufacturing Technology Strategies Track at the 2016 IndustryWeek Manufacturing & Technology Conference & Expo

As sponsor of the Manufacturing Technology Strategies track, Synchrono will co-present a case study with client, Orbital ATK Aerospace Structures Division (ASD), a leading supplier of critical composite structures for the aerospace and defense industries. During the session, How Orbital ATK is Leveraging the IIoT and Visual Factory Technology to Drive Continuous Performance Improvements, attendees will learn…MORE

Synchrono news

Synchrono® to Demonstrate Visual Factory Information System at Microsoft® Envision 2016

SyncView™ software empowers MS Dynamics users with self-service visualization and dashboard creation capabilities…MORE

Synchrono news

Demand-Driven Manufacturing Planning, Scheduling and Execution Software at Microsoft® Envision 2016

SyncManufacturing™ software brings real-time, synchronized manufacturing production capabilities to Microsoft® Dynamics users…MORE

manufacturing software

White Paper - The Next Generation of Planning and Scheduling Solutions

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manufacturing software


manufacturing software

White Paper | Gaining Clarity

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manufacturing software

White Paper | Gaining Confidence

manufacturing software

White Paper | Gaining Confidence

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