eKanban pull-based inventory replenishment software for supply chain execution and collaboration

Is your Lean Manufacturing as effective as it could be? Is your throughput keeping you ahead of the competition? Is your inventory right-sized?

SyncKanban® software is an eKanban or electronic manufacturing Kanban system that keeps automated, instantaneous supply chain signals moving through your organization at lightning speed. Automating supplier, manufacturing and transfer kanbans will see even more production waste eliminated.

SyncKanban enables real-time demand signaling, improves visibility throughout your organization and optimizes your inventory levels by instantly tracking lead- and replenishment-times. View our brief video to see for yourself:


Think outside the loop.

Automated inventory replenishment signals increase efficiency and eliminate accidental manual entry errors. They free supply managers from the replenishment loop, too. So they have more time available to focus on value-added responsibilities, like new supply contracts and strategic sourcing.


Right-size inventories.

SyncKanban® software bests manual manufacturing Kanban systems because it responds instantly to changes in demand, so you maintain truly minimal inventories. For many clients, that’s been as much as a 50% reduction. Plus they’ve improved their cash flow and increased capacity, too.

  • Sync demand and inventory in real-time
  • Quickly respond to changes in demand
  • Automate internal/external supplier replenishment

And because demand is dynamic, you’re still able to address under- and over-supply situations due to demand changes — without straining your supermarkets or your suppliers.


Simplify monitoring.

Your system status is always up-to-the-minute and available at a glance with SyncKanban software. Monitoring and managing your supermarket levels couldn’t be easier. You not only gain greater control, but the confidence that your inventory is always right-sized. SyncKanban actively monitors variations in demand and automatically resizes and adjusts inventory levels across your organization as part of a continuous improvement process.

  • Automatically resize Kanbans and adjust K-Loop® sizes
  • Access a deeper level of planning and decision-making data
  • Increase capacity and drive on-time delivery


Inform suppliers.

A supplier portal exclusive to SyncKanban offers your suppliers extraordinary visibility, too — so you can proactively coordinate orders and automate re-orders for even more efficient supply chain management.

For a demo of SyncKanban real-time inventory replenishment software or to learn more about Synchrono, contact us today.